Renunciation Nekkhamma Happiness is not attained through having, acquiring or storing something. As we develop the strength of clarity to see that things and experiences do not lead to ultimate happiness, we find peace in moment-to-moment awareness. Renunciation is...
Ethical Conduct Sila Ethics are guidelines for living. Sometimes called virtues or moral conduct they contribute to self-discipline and help steer our thoughts, actions and speech. Ethical conduct is a commitment to social justice, equality and contributing to the...
Generosity Dana Generosity is an open heartfelt response to life, an aspiration to grow beyond the narrow confines of our own small world. Generosity is not necessarily about giving material ‘things,’ it is about giving appreciation and love to one another. We give...
Impermanence Anicca One of the Three Characteristics of Existence The body is an infinite collection of living cells moving, multiplying, and dying. The mind is thoughts, perceptions, feelings never ceasing, ever changing, a flow of mental experience. Things that...
Suffering Dukkha One of the Three Characteristics of Existence I am aware of my own suffering and the suffering of others. I recognize that I am not immune from: Physical and mental pain The constant changing nature of my life and this world The inherent...
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