In eastern spiritual wisdom traditions yoga is defined as the ‘yoking’ or harmonious uniting of the heart and mind with the body. When we open to ourselves with a genuine curiosity of how we relate our body and our story about our body, we may sometimes recognize that we do not treat ourselves with the kindness and compassion we deserve.
Yoga of Compassion is a path of reflecting on our relationship and the stream of thoughts we have about our body and this human experience. When we feel the painful moments of our lives, we can learn to be kind and gentle, accepting that life is like this sometimes. This is yoga of compassion, it is finding ease and safety inside ourselves and an acceptance of everything as it is even in the difficult moments. Through balancing our heart, mind and body we begin to recognize that wherever we are right now in this moment, is just where we need to be. Yoga of compassion invites us to soften into each moment with tenderness and care finding comfort in our body, mind and heart rather than wishing things were different.
Elizabeth Gosselin, Founder of Yoga of Compassion
As a mindfulness and meditation teacher I hope to contribute to the happiness and well-being of others, regardless of race, age, gender identity or sexual orientation through evidence-based mindfulness practices rooted in the teachings and wisdom of contemplative traditions and Buddhist psychology. ~Elizabeth Gosselin
Elizabeth Gosselin has been a meditator for over 30 years, practiced Insight Meditation for the last 15 years, and is a trained mindfulness teacher. She uses the universal themes of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity to guide meditation groups and multi-day retreats. Her approach to teaching mindfulness is through curious exploration, warm humor, and deep care and commitment to her students. She enjoys inspiring students by drawing from the long-established teachings of contemplative wisdom traditions. She believes by coming together in community we can set the stage for greater learning and expand our opportunities for a deeper experience and understanding of mindfulness.
Practicing yoga for over 25 years, Elizabeth is a yoga teacher and the founder of Yoga of Compassion. She teaches yoga as ‘moving meditation,’ a philosophy that blends yoga and mindfulness as a support to individuals and communities in finding greater ease and insight through experiential mind-body-heart connection.
Elizabeth is trained through the University of CA – San Diego, Center for Mindful Self-Compassion whose curriculum is based on the work of Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, pioneers and leaders in the field of Self-Compassion research and training. She is also a graduate of the InsightLA Meditation Center Facilitators program lead by Trudy Goodman, senior Vipassana teacher in the Buddhist Theravada lineage. Elizabeth is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher through the International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA).
She is a graduate of the Dedicated Practitioner Program and the Advanced Practitioner Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and spends several weeks a year on retreat in silent meditation. Elizabeth is certified through the Yoga and Buddhist Studies Program at the University of California-Irvine and Yoga Works Teacher Training in the Tradition of T Krishnamacharya and T.D.V. Desikarchar. She is a member of the National Organization for Yoga Professionals (Yoga Alliance).
Elizabeth is available to teach and lead mindful self-compassion classes, mindfulness groups and yoga and meditation retreats. Please contact Elizabeth for additional information.