Generosity is an open heartfelt response to life,
an aspiration to grow beyond the narrow
confines of our own small world.
Generosity is not necessarily about giving material
‘things,’ it is about giving appreciation and love to
one another. We give love and appreciation through
hospitality, kind and affectionate speech,
listening with attention.
Generosity is a simple, natural and spontaneous
response of internal wealth and abundance.
Generosity is a creative expression of positive
mental states, taking form in the world
as a constant flow of generous
thoughts, words and actions.
I am aware that true giving has no giver, no gift, and
no receiver. As I practice generosity, I let go of
self as the benefactor, the value of the gift,
or acknowledgment by the receiver.
This view supports the pure act of giving.
As I cultivate non-attachment to material and
immaterial ‘things’ as they are, I establish inner
contentment and I open myself to the needs of
others through generosity.