Not Self Anatta One of the Three Characteristics of Existence When I can let go of me or mine . . . When I no longer have to identify with a particular role or identity . . . When my ego no longer forces its way through to prove to myself . . . When I give up my view...
Equanimity Upekkha Neutralizes anxiety and restlessness Today I cultivate an equitable attitude towards all beings. May I recognize and release any unseen biases and open to all beings. May I learn to act from even-mindedness and openheartedness. May my mind be free...
Sympathetic Joy Mudita Counters the feelings of envy and jealousy I rejoice in your happiness I take delight in your health and good fortune I celebrate your happiness May your happiness continue to expand May your happiness and good fortune never cease May the...
Compassion Karuna Counters the afflictive thoughts of hostility and harm Just like me, this person wants to be happy. Just like me, this person has known pain and suffering. Just like me, this person is doing the best that they can. Just like me, this person wants to...
Loving Kindness Metta Neutralizes negativity, self-doubt, resentment or hatred For you: May I be filled with love and kindness May I be safe and protected from inner and outer harm May I be healthy and well in body and mind May I be free from suffering and be filled...
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